How to Share NFS Mount Step by Step
Mounting the NFS Share
PURPOSE: All documents are provided on this Blog just for educational purposes only. Please make sure that you run it in your test environment before to move on to production environment.
NOTE: Following guide will show you how to Mount the NFS Share
- Source server [your Server Name:test-db-01]
vi /etc/exports
/oracle/rman/backup test-db-02(rw,sync) test-db-03(rw,sync)
/oracle/rman/backup/log jumphost-01(ro,sync,nohide,crossmnt)
Execute following command
service nfs restart
exportfs -ra
- Destination Server [test-db-02, test-db-03,jumphost-01]
login to the destination server where you want to mount the filesystem. In our case are the above listed server.
ssh test-db-02 and ssh test-db-03
mkdir -p /oracle/rman/backup
chown -R oracle:dba /backup
mount -t nfs test-db-01:/oracle/rman/backup /oracle/rman/backup
Same step for test-db-03:
And same steps for the jumphost-01 server.
ssh jumphost-01
mkdir -p /oracle/rman/backup/log
chown -R oracle:dba /backup
mount -t nfs jumphost- 01:/oracle/rman/backup/log /oracle/rman/backup/log
Add the entry on each server in the fstab file. In case of reboot the server,
The mount will happen automatically.
vi /etc/fstab
test-db-01:oracle/rman/backup oracle/rman/backup nfs defaults 0 0